Pastors & Staff

Michael befus


A graduate of Calvin College and Northern Seminary in Chicago, Michael has been helping, working, or pastoring at the Vineyard for a VERY LONG time...since it's inception in 1992. His first task was to lay down a solid groove as the church's first drummer at 12 years of age. His wife, Lauren, holds the unique claim of never having attended another church, having encountered Jesus for the first time at age 17 at a Vineyard service. Michael and Lauren are proud parents of four children, several foster children, and an embarassing number of pets. Aside from being the senior ranking kid's church leader (27 years and counting), Lauren is the founder of Memory Lane Jane, a boutique family biography company.

Geoff & Cyd HOlsclaw


Geoff and Cyd Holsclaw joined us as co-pastors in 2018 after pastoring at Life on the Vine Christian Community in Chicagoland for 17 years. Geoff received his MDiv from Trinity International University and his PhD in Theology from Marquette University and is a professor at Northern Seminary in Chicago, and the director of a new D.Min. program at Western Seminary. Follow Geoff's thoughts on faith, culture, and mission here. Cyd coaches, offers spiritual direction, speaks at conferences, leads retreats, and facilitates joy and connection with God through Immanuel Prayer. She is connected with several ministry networks and leadership communities beyond the Vineyard church. They are recent empty nesters and parents to two lovely young men, Soren and Tennyson.

margaret emmerson


Originally from Zimbabwe, Margaret and Martin are true Christian heroes, having pioneered new churches, an orphanage, and many other ministries on two continents over six decades. Margaret leads ministries for women at Vineyard, including a mega-popular women's brunch, women's tea, bible studies, prayer groups and more. In a former life, Margaret founded and ran a catering business. That, and her impeccable sense of style, have transformed Vineyard into a place of welcome, warmth, and beautifully-served food. When not involved with supporting international students, Martin can be found rocking out with the worship band, volunteering behind the scenes, or dishing out incredible life wisdom.

Leah morrison

Worship Director

We are a little biased, but we think Leah is one of the best and brightest worship leaders in the Vineyard movement. Having spent much of her childhood in Russia with her parents working as missionaries in the Vineyard, Leah moved back to the U.S. to attend Kendall College of Art & Design. She is an accomplished illustrator, gardener, chef, and interior designer—basically anything creative Leah, Leah makes it look magical. (Seriously, you should follow her instagram.) Leah's husband Zach is an engineer by trade, and one of the most devoted volunteers at the Vineyard. Together, they are raising 3 awesome kiddos and managing to care for piles of neighbor kids in the process. 

Steph Ebright

Kid's Ministry Director

Steph and Matt Ebright joined us in 2021 to lead the post-Covid rebuilding efforts for children’s ministry. A schoolteacher by trade, Steph is raising three awesome kids of her own, a sweet little puppy, and creating amazing spaces for kids at the Vineyard to learn and grow in their love for Jesus. When not working on training our teachers or bringing smiles to kids faces, Steph can be found hanging with the neighbors, visiting the local zoo, or buried in the latest book. Matt is a super-smart doctor with a specialty you probably can't pronounce, and also an all-around great guy who leads men's backpacking trips, man-only book clubs, and more at the Vineyard.

Liz Kohsel

Facilities Manager

Liz has been with the Vineyard since its early days, serving in most every ministry we have. At present, she works to ensure our gathering spaces are safe, beautiful, and inviting. The proud mother of two fine young men, Liz is also a dental hygienist and a cutthroat card player. She is actively involved in Vineyard women's ministry, leading a weekly bible study and periodic events.