Not Sure How to Invite Someone to Alpha?

Have you heard about the Alpha Course?

  • It’s a worldwide phenomenon (160 countries, hundreds of denominations, 30 million attendees to date)
  • It’s a 10-week dinner party & discussion group focused on spirituality, Jesus, and faith.
  • It’s an introduction to Jesus for non-churchgoers and skeptics.
  • It’s without a doubt, the single best way to help your friends and neighbors discover new life with Jesus.
  • And the next session is coming soon...see our calendar.

Have you ever thought of inviting someone to an Alpha Course?
Even if you don’t get out much, you likely know many people who would be miraculously transformed by an experience at the Alpha Course: the neighbor who’s new to the area, the co-worker who is battling a bad diagnosis, the lonely cashier you chat with each week. But how do you break the ice?

How do you invite someone that doesn’t go to church to join you at a church event?
Here’s what our Alpha teams have discovered about inviting others to Alpha…

  • Despite the fear that people won’t be interested, most people are rather curious about event that combines food, beer & wine with ‘anything-goes’ conversation about life’s big questions—even if it is at a church.
  • Despite the concern that people won’t be interested in talking about Jesus and Christianity, most are open to sincere conversation—as long as no one crams it down their throat!
  • Despite the worry that people will suspect of of false motives, most appreciate that someone cared enough to invite them—including others is kindness not weirdness!
  • Despite the anxiety that people who show up will find it weird, almost everyone that attends Alpha loves it—yes, LOVES IT!

Even those that decide Christianity isn’t for them report that Alpha is one of the most enjoyable and invigorating events they’ve ever attended. Where else can you enjoy good food and drink, positive and supportive new friendships, and completely safe conversations about deeply personal life convictions? Most are pleasantly surprised to find there is no hard sales pitch with Alpha, no catch, no strings-attached, no requests for money, no pressure to respond in any way at all. Just welcome, hospitality, and fun.

Believe it or not, in that environment, many people do discover that Jesus is good news, that God is already at work in their life, and that they’d love to take the next steps toward life with Jesus.

So how do you make the invitation?

The best place to start is with a low-pressure text message (or facebook message if you don’t have their phone #). Text messages are non-intrusive and non-awkward. If people do respond with interest, you can always follow up with a conversation, but you can break the ice with a text message.

Here are some of my actual invitation texts (feel free to copy & paste them)

To a neighbor I regularly see, but have never talked with about faith or church

Hey _____, what are you up to on Wednesdays? I’m going to this event at my church called the Alpha Course and I thought you might be interested. It’s a weekly dinner party event with anything-goes discussions about faith, Jesus, and spirituality. Not sure if you’re into that sort of thing, but if you are, let’s chat! It starts Wednesday, September 13, 6:00 pm and you can drop in just to check it out once if you like.

To someone I haven’t seen in awhile

Hey _____, what’s up!? Been way too long! I was just thinking about you because I’m attending an event called Alpha and I think it would your sort of thing. It’s basically a dinner party conversation group about spirituality, Jesus, and life’s biggest questions. Sounds religious, but it’s actually a group for skeptics and doubters (which believe it or not is still me!) to explore questions of faith in an anything-goes environment—all over dinner and dessert. It starts Wednesdays on September 13, 6:00 pm if you’re interested.

To a neighbor that has expressed an interest in going to church

Hey ______, I’m helping out with this event this winter I thought you might be interested in. It’s called the Alpha Course and it’s a din er party conversation group focused on spirituality & Jesus. It’s hosted by my church, but it’s specifically created for people that don’t really go to church but have an interest in talking about life’s deep questions, God, etc. You mentioned you wondering about checking out church, and if you haven’t yet, Alpha is a really fun way to explore the topic, but over dinner and dessert! If you’re at all interested, it start Wednesdays, 6:00 pm on September 13.

So, if you’ve ever thought to yourself…”gee, I really should invite so-and-so to Alpha” don’t delay! Shoot out a couple texts RIGHT NOW. Before you second guess yourself. At worst, you may not get a response—not the worst thing in the world. At very least, it might turn into an interesting conversation next time you see them. Or, it might turn into the best thing that happens to you this fall! Give it a go!

Need more inspiration…check out this video from the Alpha International.
Want to see what an entire Alpha presentation is like? Here’s the video from week 1, which is followed by small group discussion.

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